国产成人 亚洲 欧洲在线,亚洲日韩一区二区三区四区,久久国产AVJUST麻豆,久久亚洲精品国产亚洲老地址,91精品夜夜夜一区二区
industry focus on high-quality development: keep pace with The Times and green transformation
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Mining industry is the foundation of economic and social development, must adhere to the new development idea as the guidance, in order to promote formation of green production and way of life as the main direction, to support the national economic and social development of high quality to the overall goals, advance the mineral resources supply system upgrade, quality improvement, increase efficiency, structure layout optimization, security, etc.Rational development, utilization and protection of mineral resources to ensure resource supply is one of the key points to achieve high-quality development and quality of life and build a beautiful China.

I. Overall requirements for high-quality development

High-quality development is development that can meet the people's ever-growing needs for a better life, that embodies the new development philosophy, that innovation becomes the primary driving force, that coordination becomes the endogenous feature, that green becomes the universal form, that openness becomes the only way, and that sharing becomes the fundamental goal.Sand enterprises should follow the overall requirements of high quality development in their work.

1. Leading by the construction of ecological civilization, comprehensively build green mines, actively promote the construction of ecological mining environment, scientific mining methods, high efficiency of resource utilization, standardized enterprise management and continuous improvement of mining community harmony.

2. Adhering to the strategic principle of giving priority to conservation, protection and natural restoration, fully and rationally, economically and intensively, efficiently and with high quality to develop and utilize mineral resources under the premise of ensuring safety and environmental protection, correctly and properly handle the contradiction between resource development and environmental protection, so as to realize the harmonious co-existence between man and nature.

3. Innovation-driven, continuously and rationally adjust the economic structure and optimize and upgrade the distribution of the economy, change the mode of economic development, strengthen the comprehensive use of resources, energy conservation and emission reduction, develop circular economy and low-carbon economy, achieve stable and long-term economic growth of enterprises, and achieve coordinated development of economic, environmental and social benefits.

4. Strengthen personnel training and scientific and technological innovation, constantly carry out the application, transformation, upgrading and replacement of new technology, new process and new equipment, constantly improve the level of production technology, and build mechanized, information, digital, automated and intelligent mines.

Second, green transformation must keep pace with The Times

China's green mine construction has experienced more than ten years of arduous course, has made gratifying progress, great progress.Although there are still shortcomings, but the construction of green mines, green mining development direction has been clear, the road has been established, the pattern has been formed.

Today, China's economic development has shifted from high-speed growth to high-quality development, which requires us to keep pace with The Times in the construction of green mines, and progress with the progress of The Times.

First, green mine construction must firmly grasp the direction of green development, adhere to the new development concept, build a new development pattern, and promote the high-quality development of mining industry.

Second, we must correctly handle and properly resolve the main contradiction between mineral resources development and ecological environment protection.

Third, we should always adhere to the strategic guidelines and a series of policies for mining development, which are "giving priority to conservation, protection and natural recovery" formulated by the CPC Central Committee.

Fourth, we should have a deep understanding of the various policies and regulations of the Party and the state and put them into practice in specific work.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we will unswervingly implement the new development philosophy, take the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development as the guide, focus on pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and unswervingly follow the path of high-quality development that gives priority to ecology, green and low-carbon development.

The article is selected from: China sand aggregate net

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国产成人 亚洲 欧洲在线,亚洲日韩一区二区三区四区,久久国产AVJUST麻豆,久久亚洲精品国产亚洲老地址,91精品夜夜夜一区二区