国产成人 亚洲 欧洲在线,亚洲日韩一区二区三区四区,久久国产AVJUST麻豆,久久亚洲精品国产亚洲老地址,91精品夜夜夜一区二区
[I knew it early] What was the special inspection of environmental protection inspectors of sand and gravel enterprises this year?
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     On August 18, the second round of the second batch of central eco-environmental protection inspectors will launch the information real hammer stationed in the near future.
    In addition to relevant provinces and central enterprises that undertake more ecological and environmental protection tasks, the central ecological and environmental protection inspection targets also include the State Forestry and Grassland Administration. This is also the first time since the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Work started, the relevant departments of the State Council have been included in it, which once caused widespread heated discussion. Experts said that this is a signal from my country to the market that the intensity of environmental law enforcement will only increase.

    The second round of central ecological and environmental protection inspections showed differences from the first round. In addition to the expansion of the inspection scope mentioned above, it also included the use of more new technologies and equipment such as remote sensing satellites and drones, as well as the use of new technologies and equipment for key areas, Carry out "special inspections" in key areas and industries.
    It is reported that the second round of central ecological and environmental protection inspections will be more frequent and stricter than in 2019. What are the changes in the second round of central ecological and environmental protection inspections compared to the first round? What does the environmental inspector inspect?
    According to the speeches of the relevant leaders of the inspection team, the focus of the investigation of environmental protection issues is to inspect the provincial party committee and the provincial government to implement the national environmental protection decision and deployment, solve outstanding environmental problems, implement the main responsibility of environmental protection, promote the construction of ecological civilization and environmental protection in the province, and promote ECO development:
    Focus on the outstanding environmental problems that are highly concerned by the central government, strongly reflected by the masses, and have severe social impacts and their handling;
    Focus on the inspection of regional river basins with deteriorating environmental quality and their improvement;
    Focus on inspecting the environmental inaction and chaos of local party committees, governments and relevant departments;
    Focus on understanding the local implementation of environmental protection with the same responsibility of the party and government, double responsibility for one post, and strict accountability.
    "Check out the problem list, assign the government responsibility, and check the list to promote implementation", to help localities find problems, establish a ledger, further consolidate responsibilities, and promote implementation.
    Specifically, the first is to discover problems, the second is to verify the rectification of the problems found, and the third is to investigate the implementation of related tasks in the fight against pollution.
    What are the inspections related to us?
    The ones that are closely related to us are roughly:
    During the production of accessories, powdered auxiliary materials, related coal-fired boilers and other equipment must be sealed;
    Products with noisy and strong odors should be rectified;
    Manufacturers without business licenses and irregularities need to be reorganized;
    Incidentally, there are hidden fire safety hazards;
    Incidentally, check fake and inferior and counterfeit brands.
    The factory has one of the following problems and will face fines, shutdowns, rectification orders, interviews, etc.:
    Stealing waste water;
    Emission of pungent gas such as paint smell;
    Low-frequency noise or excessive noise;
    Dust pollution
    The environmental assessment is not publicized;
    No environmental approval procedures;
    There are hidden dangers in operation safety of the power unit;
    Illegal construction;
    Privately set up concealed pipes
    Cinders are scattered everywhere;
    There are problems in digging and burying paper residue;
    No waste water recycling system;
    Failure to apply for water withdrawal permit;
    No bright business;
    Storage of other wastes in ponds without leakage prevention measures;
    Poor and old pollution control facilities;
    Excessive smoke emission concentration;
    The garbage accumulated in the factory is not treated in time;
    Failed to go through the procedures for submitting environmental impact assessment documents;
    Pollution control facilities have not been checked and accepted by the environmental protection department;
    The discharge permit expired;
    Illegal production
    The filter pool cod exceeds the standard;
    No pollution permit.

    News excerpts from: China Sandstone Network

国产成人 亚洲 欧洲在线,亚洲日韩一区二区三区四区,久久国产AVJUST麻豆,久久亚洲精品国产亚洲老地址,91精品夜夜夜一区二区